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6 ways for millennials to buy now

Author: Staff
Publication date:
February 17, 2020
Article Summary: 

The blog post provides six ways for millennials to enter the real estate market and purchase their own home. The tips include taking advantage of first-time homebuyer programs, seeking out affordable housing options, considering co-ownership with friends or family, investing in a fixer-upper property, exploring rent-to-own options, and considering purchasing outside of the city. The article emphasizes the importance of doing research, seeking professional advice, and being realistic about budget and expectations when making a home purchase.


millennials, real estate market, first-time homebuyer programs, affordable housing options, co-ownership, fixer-upper property, rent-to-own, budget, professional advice.

Source Citation: Staff
6 ways for millennials to buy now
February 17, 2020
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