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5 Tips for Better Agile Release Planning

Shawn Dickerson
Publication date:
November 3, 2021
Article Summary: 

5 Tips for Better Agile Release Planning

Agile release planning, also known as scrum release planning, is an alternative to the traditional waterfall approach. It is part of a larger product management plan that aims to stay flexible to respond to the inevitable changes that occur in software development. It lets teams incrementally release features in iterative agile sprints, which are short periods of usually no more than two weeks. The power of agile release planning is that it gives project managers and product managers time to adapt to changes imposed by project constraints, challenges or evolving needs. There is always a period to reassess and adjust the plan to meet the needs of the product.

The agile approach is all about flexibility, being open to change and pivoting as needed. Agile project planning is almost the complete opposite of structured planning in a waterfall methodology, but there is some structure to agile and scrum release planning. Release planning is a project planning method that's both iterative and incremental, with short agile sprints and plans for each iteration. It seeks to release the benefits of the project throughout its life cycle, not just at the end. ProjectManager is a hybrid work management software that gives product and project managers real-time data to make better decisions.


Agile release planning, scrum release planning, agile release schedule, agile project management

Source Citation: 
Shawn Dickerson
5 Tips for Better Agile Release Planning
November 3, 2021
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