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5 Things You Should Do When You're Shopping Condos

The Condo Nerds
Publication date:
June 25, 2022
Article Summary: 

This blog post provides five tips for people shopping for condos. Firstly, the importance of standing outside the building and observing foot and street traffic is emphasized. Secondly, the amenities available in the building should be checked to ensure they fit the buyer's needs. Thirdly, taking the elevator to the parking level and testing the time it takes to exit the building is suggested. Fourthly, visiting a local convenience store to check what they offer is recommended. Finally, considering the area at large, including lifestyle adjustments, is important before making a purchase.


condos, shopping, amenities, parking, convenience store, lifestyle.

Source Citation: 
The Condo Nerds
5 Things You Should Do When You're Shopping Condos
June 25, 2022
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