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5 Great Tips How To Detect Mold Growth

Restoration Group | Plumber, Water Damage & Mold Removal Specialist!
Publication date:
January 30, 2022
Article Summary: 

In this blog, GTA Restoration provides five tips to detect mold growth in a property. The first tip is to check for musty odors, as they are a sign of mold growth. The second tip is to look for visible signs of mold, such as black, green, or white spots. The third tip is to look for water damage, as mold thrives in moist environments. The fourth tip is to monitor the humidity levels in the property, as high humidity can lead to mold growth. Finally, the fifth tip is to hire a professional mold inspector to conduct a thorough inspection. Overall, being aware of these tips and taking preventative measures can help detect mold growth and prevent it from spreading.


mold growth, property, musty odors, visible signs, water damage, high humidity, professional mold inspector, preventative measures.

Source Citation: 
Restoration Group | Plumber, Water Damage & Mold Removal Specialist!
5 Great Tips How To Detect Mold Growth
January 30, 2022
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