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3 Landscaping Tips For Better Drainage In Parking Lots
Publication date:
June 3, 2021
Article Summary:
The provided link leads to a webpage by A&A Paving Contractors, offering three landscaping tips for improving drainage in parking lots. The article emphasizes the importance of effective drainage to prevent water accumulation, which can lead to pavement damage and safety hazards. The landscaping tips include creating sloped surfaces, installing permeable pavement or pavers, and implementing strategic landscaping features like rain gardens or bioswales. These measures help to redirect and manage stormwater runoff, promoting better drainage in parking lots.
Landscaping tips, better drainage, parking lots, A&A Paving Contractors, effective drainage, water accumulation, pavement damage, safety hazards, sloped surfaces, permeable pavement, pavers, strategic landscaping features, rain gardens, bioswales, stormwater runoff.
Source Citation:
3 Landscaping Tips For Better Drainage In Parking Lots
June 3, 2021
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