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Toronto Standard Condominium Corporation No. 2048 v. Mortazavi - 2022 ONCAT 47 - 2022-05-06


TSCC 2048




In the case of "Toronto Standard Condominium Corporation No. 2048 v. Mortazavi," the condominium corporation (TSCC2048) applied to the Condominium Authority Tribunal against the unit owner for alleged violations of the condo declaration, involving noise disturbances caused by pounding on metal pipes. The unit owner requested a lengthy adjournment due to medical reasons, supported by a doctor's letter. While the tribunal accepted the doctor's letter, it raised concerns about the adjournment's duration and the unit owner's recent initiation of two similar cases. The tribunal ordered the unit owner to provide an updated doctor's letter by June 29, 2022 and stated that if the other two cases proceeded to Stage 2, this adjournment would be lifted. It declined to grant an interim order for noise disturbance, emphasizing compliance with the condominium's governing documents.


CAT Decisions - Motion Order


The Tribunal granted an adjournment to the Respondent in a condominium dispute due to medical reasons, with conditions that the Respondent provides an updated doctor's letter. The case highlighted the importance of balancing health concerns with efficient dispute resolution in condominium communities and emphasized the expectation that all parties comply with governing documents during the interim period. The Tribunal did not grant the Applicant's request for an interim order, as making such an order at that stage could prematurely determine the underlying issue of noise disturbances.


In the case of Toronto Standard Condominium Corporation No. 2048 v. Mortazavi, the applicant, a condominium corporation, alleged that a unit owner was causing unreasonable noise disturbances by pounding on metal pipes with a metal object.

The unit owner requested an adjournment of the case to August 15, 2022, due to medical reasons, supported by a doctor's letter. The Tribunal granted the adjournment with certain conditions, as the length of the adjournment raised concerns about timely dispute resolution.

The Tribunal emphasized the importance of timely and efficient dispute resolution within condominium communities, which can affect multiple residents.

The Tribunal ordered Mortazavi to provide an updated doctor's letter by June 29, 2022, to confirm his ability to participate in the Tribunal process.

The Tribunal did not grant the applicant's request for an interim order prohibiting noise disturbances but emphasized the expectation that all parties comply with the condominium's governing documents during the interim period.


Communication and Conflict Resolution: Encourage open communication between the condominium corporation, unit owners, and residents to address conflicts and issues before they escalate to the level of formal tribunal proceedings. Promote alternative dispute resolution methods to reach resolutions more efficiently.

Documentation and Evidence: Advise parties involved in condominium disputes to maintain comprehensive documentation and evidence, especially related to issues like noise disturbances. This can help establish the facts and potentially expedite the resolution process.

Compliance with Governing Documents: Emphasize the importance of all residents complying with the condominium's governing documents, such as declarations, by-laws, and rules. Ensure that residents understand their obligations and responsibilities within the community to maintain a harmonious living environment.

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