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S. v. Merdiu et al. - 2023 ONCAT 112 - 2023-08-09


SM 112




In the case of S. v. Merdiu et al., the applicant brought a case to the Condominium Authority Tribunal (CAT) alleging that the respondents, who are also unit owners in Peel Condominium Corporation (PCC), create unreasonable noise and vibration that interferes with the quiet enjoyment of their unit. The applicant sought an order requiring the respondents to comply with PCC's governing documents relating to noise, as well as an order for PCC to fulfill its obligations under the Condominium Act, 1998. The applicant also requested reimbursement of $200 for the cost of filing the application. The case proceeded to a hearing, but the respondents did not participate.

The CAT found that the respondents had indeed created unreasonable noise and vibration, constituting a nuisance according to PCC's governing documents and the Condominium Act. The tribunal ordered the respondents to comply with these rules. Additionally, the CAT ordered the respondents to reimburse the applicant $200 for the filing fee.


CAT Decisions - Decision


Quick Verdict:

In the case of S. v. Merdiu et al. (2023 ONCAT 112), the Applicant successfully proved that the Respondents created unreasonable noise and vibration, interfering with the quiet enjoyment of their unit, and violating the condominium's governing rules. The Respondents were ordered to comply with the rules, and they must reimburse the Applicant $200 for the cost of filing the application.


This case underscores the importance of respecting the rules and maintaining a peaceful living environment in condominiums. It also highlights the effectiveness of providing strong, credible evidence to support claims in such disputes, and the consequences for failing to comply with condominium rules and orders.


Key Takeaways from S. v. Merdiu et al. (2023 ONCAT 112):

Noise Complaints: The case revolved around an Applicant, alleging unreasonable noise and vibrations caused by the Respondents, who lived in the unit directly above the applicant. This case emphasizes the importance of maintaining a peaceful living environment within a condominium.

Ineffectiveness of Prior Remedies: Despite attempts to resolve the noise issue through previous complaints and mediation, the noise problem persisted over a long period.

Order for Compliance: The decision ruled that the Respondents must comply with the condominium corporation's rules related to noise (PCC's Rules 5 (1) and (2)) under Section 1.44(1) of the Condominium Act, 1998.

Reimbursement of Costs: The Respondents were ordered to reimburse the Applicant $200, covering the cost of filing the application with the Tribunal, as the Applicant was successful in this case.

Evidentiary Support: The decision highlights the importance of providing credible and compelling evidence to support claims of unreasonable noise and vibrations, which influenced the ruling in the Applicant's favor.


Noise and Vibration Guidelines: The Condominium Authority Tribunal (CAT) should consider developing comprehensive guidelines or best practices for addressing noise and vibration issues within condominium communities. These guidelines can help both condo corporations and owners better understand their rights and obligations when it comes to noise-related disputes. Clear guidelines can also facilitate faster resolution of such disputes by providing a framework for evaluating noise and vibration concerns.

Education on Noise Mitigation: The CAT should emphasize the importance of proactive noise mitigation measures for condo corporations and owners. Educational resources and training programs on effective noise reduction methods could be provided to condominium corporations to help prevent such disputes. This proactive approach can save time and resources and improve the overall quality of life for condo residents.

Alternative Dispute Resolution: Promote the use of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, such as mediation, in cases involving noise and other common disputes in condominiums. Encouraging parties to explore these options before proceeding to formal Tribunal hearings can help resolve issues more amicably and cost-effectively, ultimately reducing the burden on the Tribunal's caseload.

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