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Rangan v. Metropolitan Toronto Condominium Corporation No. 996 - 2022 ONCAT 71 - 2022-07-07






The case Rangan v Metropolitan Toronto Condominium Corporation No. 996 involved a dispute between the applicant and MTCC 996 over access to certain records. The applicant requested the meeting minutes of the Shared Facility Committee, monthly financial statements, and bidding process documents related to the search for a new condominium management provider. MTCC 996 provided some records but refused to provide others without a reasonable excuse. The issues to be decided were whether the applicant was entitled to the monthly financial statements, whether MTCC 996 refused to permit access to records without a reasonable excuse, and whether a penalty should be imposed. The tribunal found that Mr. Rangan was entitled to the monthly financial statements but determined that MTCC 996 did not refuse him records without a reasonable excuse. No penalty was imposed, and the applicant was awarded costs for filing fees.


CAT Decisions - Decision
Access to Records
Entitlement to Records
Fees, Costs, Penalties


the quick verdict/lesson from the case of Rangan v Metropolitan Toronto Condominium Corporation No. 996 is that while the applicant was entitled to the monthly financial statements of the Shared Facility Committee, his request for other records was not refused without a reasonable excuse by MTCC 996. Therefore, no penalty was imposed on the corporation, but the applicant was awarded costs of $200 for his filing fees. This case emphasizes the importance of accurately responding to records requests and highlights the entitlement of unit owners to certain records under the Condominium Act, 1998.


A unit owner of MTCC 996, requested several records from the condominium corporation. While some records were provided, MTCC 996 refused to provide the meeting minutes of the Shared Facility Committee, monthly financial statements, and bidding process documents related to the search for a new condominium management provider.

The applicant argued that MTCC 996 failed to respond to his records request accurately and believed that the corporation effectively refused to provide him with certain records without a reasonable excuse. He requested the Tribunal to order MTCC 996 to provide the monthly financial statements and impose a penalty.

The Tribunal found that the applicant was entitled to the monthly financial statements of the Shared Facility Committee. However, the Tribunal ruled that MTCC 996 did not refuse the records without a reasonable excuse, and no penalty was imposed. Additionally, the applicant was awarded costs of $200 for his filing fees.


Transparency in Records Request Process:
It is essential for condominium corporations to be transparent in their records request process and provide all relevant records to unit owners promptly. Condominium corporations should prioritize record-keeping, provide clear explanations for the denial of certain records and ensure a timely and transparent records request process.

Ensure Sufficient Training for Management Officials:
There is a need for ongoing training and development of management officials who interact with unit owners' records requests. Ensuring every person involved in the request process understands what records are subject to disclosure, how to process requests, and the timeliness of the request response can help prevent disputes and minimize conflicts that may lead to legal proceedings.

Regular Review of Condo Regulations:
Board members of condominium corporations should regularly review appropriate regulations and governing documents to ensure that they are up-to-date and comply with emerging legal requirements. This review process should also consider any changes to the law and related regulations related to access to records to ensure that unit owners' constitutional rights are being respected. This can prevent future conflicts and disputes related to records requests, costs, and penalties.

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