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Radu v. Parry Sound Standard Condominium Corporation No. 10 - 2021 ONCAT 35 - 2021-04-28






In the case of Radu v. Parry Sound Standard Condominium Corporation No. 10, the applicant initially filed an application with the Condominium Authority Tribunal (CAT). The case progressed to Stage 2 - Mediation. However, the applicant informed the CAT that he wished to withdraw his case. In accordance with Rule 32.3 of the CAT's Rules of Practice, which allows the closure of cases in Stage 2 - Mediation when the applicant withdraws their case, the CAT issued a dismissal order. Consequently, the case was closed, and any documents and messages exchanged during the case were to remain private and confidential, unless required by law.


CAT Decisions - Dismissal Order
Parking and Storage


Quick Verdict:
The case of Radu v. Parry Sound Standard Condominium Corporation No. 10 was dismissed at Stage 2 - Mediation after the applicant chose to withdraw the case. The CAT can close cases when applicants properly inform them of their withdrawal, following Rule 32.3 of the CAT's Rules of Practice.

Lesson Learned:
This case illustrates the importance of applicants clearly communicating their decisions to the Condominium Authority Tribunal (CAT) and understanding the stages of the dispute resolution process. When an applicant chooses to withdraw a case during mediation, the CAT has the authority to close the case. It also highlights the confidential nature of documents and messages shared during the process, with exceptions for legal requirements.


Case Dismissal: The case of Radu v. Parry Sound Standard Condominium Corporation No. 10 was dismissed by the Condominium Authority Tribunal (CAT). The applicant decided to withdraw the case during Stage 2 - Mediation.

Withdrawal Procedure: The CAT can close a case in Stage 2 - Mediation if the applicant properly informs the CAT of their decision to withdraw the case, as per Rule 32.3 of the CAT's Rules of Practice.

Confidentiality: Any documents and messages exchanged during the case in Stage 1 - Negotiation and Stage 2 - Mediation are considered private and confidential, with users prohibited from sharing or disclosing this information without the other user's permission.

Legal Authority: The CAT operates under the legal framework of the Condominium Act, 1998, and has the authority to issue dismissal orders and manage the dispute resolution process.

Government and Court Access: While the shared documents and messages are confidential, users are permitted to share copies of such materials if required by law, particularly when dealing with government organizations or courts.


Clear Communication: Parties involved in condominium-related disputes should maintain clear and effective communication throughout the dispute resolution process. If an applicant decides to withdraw their case or make any significant decisions, they should promptly and clearly inform the Condominium Authority Tribunal (CAT) to facilitate a smooth resolution process.

Understanding the Process: It is essential for both applicants and respondents to have a thorough understanding of the CAT's Rules of Practice and the various stages of dispute resolution, including mediation. This knowledge will help parties make informed decisions about their case.

Confidentiality Awareness: Parties should be aware of the confidentiality of documents and messages exchanged during the negotiation and mediation stages. They must respect this confidentiality and not share or disclose such information without the consent of the other party, except when required by legal obligations or authorities.

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