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Nurmi v. York Condominium Corporation No. 43 - 2022 ONCAT 84 - 2022-08-11






In the case of "Nurmi v. York Condominium Corporation No. 43, 2022 ONCAT 84," the parties reached a consent order to resolve a records access dispute during Stage 2 - Mediation. The Applicant and the Respondent, York Condominium Corporation No. 43, agreed to settle the matter with the terms and conditions specified in the consent order. As a result, the case was resolved, and there would be no opportunity to reopen it.


CAT Decisions - Consent Order
Access to Records
Fees, Costs, Penalties


Quick Verdict/Lesson: In Nurmi v. York Condominium Corporation No. 43, the case was efficiently resolved through a Consent Order during Stage 2 - Mediation, demonstrating the effectiveness of dispute resolution processes in condominium matters. This case emphasizes the importance of parties' willingness to reach agreements, which can lead to the closure of cases with no opportunity for reopening, providing a valuable lesson in collaborative conflict resolution within condominium settings.


Consent Order Resolution: The case was resolved through a consent order, where both parties, the Applicant and the Respondent (York Condominium Corporation No. 43), agreed to settle the dispute. The resolution occurred during Stage 2 - Mediation in the Condominium Authority Tribunal's online dispute resolution system.

Parties' Agreement: The parties voluntarily agreed to the terms and conditions of the consent order, indicating their mutual willingness to settle the matter. This agreement allowed for the closure of the case.

Access to Records Dispute: The case pertained to a request for access to records, which was the subject of the dispute between the Applicant and the Respondent.

Stage 2 Mediation: The Condominium Authority Tribunal provides a Stage 2 - Mediation process for parties to reach a resolution in disputes. When an agreement is reached, the CAT can close the case based on a consent order.

Finality of Resolution: The consent order stipulated that the case was resolved, and there would be no opportunity to reopen it, ensuring the finality of the parties' agreement and settlement.


Encourage Early Dispute Resolution: Parties involved in condominium disputes should consider utilizing mechanisms like mediation (as seen in Stage 2 of this case) to resolve their issues. Early dispute resolution can save time, money, and resources for both parties.

Foster Consent Agreements: The case's outcome was a Consent Order, which indicates the importance of parties' consent in resolving disputes. Encourage parties to work collaboratively to reach agreements, and ensure that these agreements are well-documented and enforceable.

Compliance with Relevant Laws: Condominium corporations and residents should be knowledgeable about the laws governing their relationships. In this case, the dispute was related to access to records, so it's essential for parties to understand their rights and obligations under the Condominium Act, 1998, or any relevant legislation.

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