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McCoy v. Simcoe Condominium Corporation No. 119 - 2023 ONCAT 76 - 2023-06-06


MSCC 119




In the case of McCoy v. Simcoe Condominium Corporation No. 119, the applicant sought access to certain records from the condominium corporation. The respondent requested the case be dismissed in Stage 1 – Negotiation due to the applicant's failure to meet the required timelines under Ontario Regulation 48/01. The applicant had not paid the specified amount within the 60-day deadline after confirming the request. The applicant commenced the CAT case after the request was deemed abandoned, which led to its dismissal. The tribunal found that it did not have the authority to determine the case. The parties were encouraged to resolve the request without involving the tribunal.


CAT Decisions - Dismissal Order
Access to Records


In the case of McCoy v. Simcoe Condominium Corporation No. 119, the Condominium Authority Tribunal (CAT) issued a Dismissal Order due to the applicant's failure to adhere to the prescribed timelines for records requests, as outlined in Section 13.10 of Ontario Regulation 48/01. When the applicant did not pay the specified amount within the 60-day deadline, the request was deemed abandoned, and the CAT determined it had no legal power to decide the case. This case serves as a reminder of the importance of following regulatory timelines when requesting access to condominium records to ensure that requests remain valid.


In the case of McCoy v. Simcoe Condominium Corporation No. 119, the Condominium Authority Tribunal (CAT) issued a Dismissal Order based on a request for access to records in accordance with Section 13.10 of Ontario Regulation 48/01. The key takeaways from this decision are as follows:

Timelines Matter: The CAT emphasizes the importance of adhering to the timelines set out in the regulations. In this case, the applicant failed to pay the specified amount within the 60-day deadline, leading to the dismissal of their case.

Request Abandonment: The CAT case was deemed abandoned due to the applicant's failure to meet the prescribed timelines. When such abandonment occurs, the CAT may no longer have the authority to hear and decide on the dispute.

Legal Powers: The CAT's Rules of Practice allow for the closure of a case in Stage 1 - Negotiation if it is determined that the tribunal lacks the legal power to address the dispute.

Subsequent Requests: The decision anticipates that parties can resolve the records request issue through other means, such as a subsequent request, without the need for tribunal involvement.

Timely and Accurate Response: This case underscores the importance of condo owners carefully following the regulations and meeting deadlines when requesting access to condominium records to ensure their requests remain valid.


Compliance with Timelines: To avoid complications and potential case dismissals, it's crucial for individuals or parties involved in condominium-related disputes to strictly adhere to the timelines and requirements specified in relevant regulations and legal processes. In this case, the Applicant's failure to pay the amount specified within the 60-day deadline led to the case's dismissal. To prevent such issues, parties should keep track of deadlines and ensure timely compliance.

Effective Communication and Follow-Up: When requesting records or engaging in any condominium-related communication, it's important for parties to maintain effective and clear communication with the relevant authorities or corporations. If there are any concerns or issues with the provided response, parties should address them promptly. In this case, the Applicant could have sought clarification or resolved any disputes related to the requested records in a timely manner.

Consult Legal Advice When Necessary: In condominium-related matters, especially when there are legal complexities, parties may benefit from seeking legal advice or consulting with experts in condominium law. Legal professionals can provide guidance on how to navigate regulations, timelines, and dispute resolution procedures effectively. This can help parties avoid pitfalls and ensure their rights are protected.

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