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Jack Gale v Halton Condominium Corporation No. 61 - 2018 ONCAT 16 - 2018-09-24






In the case of Jack Gale v Halton Condominium Corporation No. 61 (2018 ONCAT 16), a consent order was reached through the Condominium Authority Tribunal's online system. The Applicant and the Respondent, Halton Condominium Corporation No. 61, agreed to settle without a hearing. The order specifies that the Respondent will provide the General Ledger (expenses only) for the 2017 fiscal year, consisting of 53 pages. The Applicant is responsible for the cost of the records, amounting to $120.10, covering labor, management's labor, review, redaction, and photocopying fees. In return, the Applicant will abandon the application, and the Respondent will produce the documents within 21 days of payment.


CAT Decisions - Consent Order
Adequacy of Records
Entitlement to Records
Fees, Costs, Penalties
Records Retention


In the case of Jack Gale v Halton Condominium Corporation No. 61, a Consent Order was reached through the Condominium Authority Tribunal's online system, resolving the dispute regarding the adequacy and entitlement to records. The order outlines specific terms, including the production of the General Ledger for the 2017 fiscal year at a cost of $120.10, to be paid by the Applicant, emphasizing the parties' agreement and the efficient resolution of the matter without a hearing.


Online System Resolution: The case of Jack Gale v Halton Condominium Corporation No. 61 was settled through a Consent Order using the Condominium Authority Tribunal's online system, showcasing the accessibility and effectiveness of online dispute resolution mechanisms.

Specific Records Request: The terms of the order outline a specific records request, with the respondent obligated to produce the General Ledger, expenses only, for the 2017 fiscal year. This demonstrates the precision with which record requests can be addressed in the tribunal's proceedings.

Costs Breakdown: The order provides a detailed breakdown of the costs associated with the records request, including labor costs, management labor fees, and photocopying charges. This transparency in cost calculation contributes to clarity in financial obligations.

Application Abandonment: The agreement includes the applicant abandoning the application filed with the Condominium Authority Tribunal, reinforcing the mutual resolution and closure of the dispute.

Enforcement Mechanism: The order highlights that non-compliance with any terms can be enforced through the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, underscoring the seriousness and enforceability of the consent agreement.


Standardize Fee Calculation Methods:
Condominium corporations and unit owners should work towards standardizing and clearly communicating the methods used to calculate fees associated with records requests. This includes specifying the breakdown of costs related to labor, photocopying, and other associated expenses. Clear and transparent fee structures help avoid disputes and ensure that all parties understand the basis for the fees incurred.

Enhance Education on Records Retrieval Processes:
Implement educational initiatives to enhance the understanding of records retrieval processes for both condominium corporations and unit owners. This may involve creating user-friendly guides or providing workshops that explain the steps involved, legal requirements, and associated costs in response to records requests. Educating stakeholders can contribute to smoother processes and reduce the likelihood of disputes.

Promote Consistent Application of Recent Case Law:
Condominium corporations and legal representatives should stay informed about recent case law, especially regarding labor costs associated with records requests. Consistent application of legal precedents, as demonstrated in paragraph 5b of the consent order, promotes fairness and predictability in fee assessments. It is advisable to periodically review and update fee calculations to align with any changes in relevant case law.

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