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Gale v. Halton Condominium Corporation No. 61 - 2022 ONCAT 85 - 2022-08-11






In the case of Gale v. Halton Condominium Corporation No. 61, the Condominium Authority Tribunal (CAT) considered a records request dispute. The applicant had requested records related to elevator noise complaints and a Reserve Fund Study. The main issue was whether the November 21, 2021, board meeting minutes adequately reflected the relevant information. The tribunal found that the minutes were adequate and declined to impose restrictions on the applicant's ability to file future CAT applications. However, it did order the applicant to pay $2,000 in costs to Halton Condominium Corporation No. 61.


CAT Decisions - Decision
Adequacy of Records


In the case of Gale v. Halton Condominium Corporation No. 61, the tribunal found that the November 2021 board meeting minutes were adequate and rejected the applicant's claims of inadequacy. The tribunal also addressed the issue of whether the applicant's request for records was made for an improper purpose and determined that while there was a pattern of contentious behavior, it wasn't a sufficient basis to restrict the applicant's access to the tribunal at that time. However, the tribunal awarded costs of $2,000 to Halton Condominium Corporation No. 61 due to the applicant's conduct in the proceedings.


Adequacy of Records: The main issue in this case was whether certain board meeting minutes were adequate in accordance with the Condominium Act, 1998, which requires condominium corporations to keep "adequate records." The minutes were from a meeting on November 21, 2021, and specifically related to elevator noise complaints and a Reserve Fund Study.

Purpose of Records Requests: The Respondent, Halton Condominium Corporation No. 61, argued that the Applicant, Jack Gale, had made numerous records requests and applications with the intention of intimidating and undermining the board, and therefore, his requests were an abuse of process.

Board Minutes Adequacy: The Tribunal found that the November 2021 board meeting minutes were adequate and that the dispute was more about governance and board decisions rather than the adequacy of records. It also highlighted that minutes are not required to be a verbatim account of a meeting and should reflect what the board knew at the time.


Clarity and Transparency in Board Minutes: Condominium corporations should ensure that their board meeting minutes provide a clear and transparent record of discussions and decisions. This can help prevent disputes and records requests from unit owners by providing comprehensive information about the discussions and decisions made during board meetings. Clear and detailed minutes can mitigate the need for unit owners to request additional information.

Addressing Disputes and Unreasonable Records Requests: Condominium corporations should have mechanisms in place for addressing disputes and potentially unreasonable records requests from unit owners. It's essential to distinguish between legitimate requests for records and those made for improper purposes, such as harassment or intimidation. Establishing clear guidelines and procedures for handling such cases can help maintain the integrity of the records request process and reduce the burden on the corporation.

Education and Communication: Promote education and communication between condominium corporations and unit owners. Establish channels for addressing concerns, grievances, and requests for information in a constructive and transparent manner. This can help prevent prolonged disputes and unnecessary records requests by ensuring that unit owners have access to information and understand how the corporation operates. Education can also help manage unit owner expectations regarding the level of detail in board meeting minutes and the decision-making process.

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