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Cohen v. York Condominium Corporation No. 205 - 2023 ONCAT 179 - 2023-11-24


CYSC 205


Fri Nov 24 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Issue of Noise: The case revolves around noise complaints made by Toronto Standard Condominium Corporation No 2448 (TSCC 2448) against Chidinma Ihejirika, who is a tenant in a unit owned by Dr. Subash Chandra Mojumdar. TSCC 2448 alleges that Ihejirika's noise levels exceed acceptable limits and interfere with the quiet enjoyment of other residents, violating the Act and the condominium's governing documents.

Compliance and Compensation: TSCC 2448 requested the Condominium Authority Tribunal to order Ihejirika to comply with the Act and condominium rules regarding noise, and to order Mojumdar to take reasonable steps to ensure her compliance. The Tribunal ruled in favor of TSCC 2448, ordering Ihejirika to comply, Mojumdar to take necessary steps, and jointly and severally pay TSCC 2448 $4,500 as compensation for damages and $21,500 in costs.

Collusion and Harassment Allegations: Ihejirika and Mojumdar both argued that the complaint was driven by discriminatory motives and harassment. They accused TSCC 2448 and its witnesses of colluding to force Ihejirika's eviction. However, the Tribunal found these arguments unsupported and ruled in favor of TSCC 2448.


CAT Decisions - Decision
Access to Records
Adequacy of Records
Compliance with Settlement Agreement
Entitlement to Records


"Cohen v York Condominium Corporation No 205" is that settlement agreements in condominium disputes are legally binding contracts between parties, allowing them to jointly agree on terms to resolve their issues. However, the tribunal's jurisdiction is limited to enforcing settlement terms that fall within its jurisdiction, and parties cannot contract out of the Condominium Act. This case highlights the importance of carefully crafting settlement agreements and understanding the tribunal's jurisdiction when seeking enforcement.


"Cohen v York Condominium Corporation No 205":

Importance of settlement agreements: Settlement agreements in condominium disputes provide an opportunity for parties to resolve their issues without the need for litigation. This promotes collaborative problem-solving and can help reduce tensions among residents sharing common resources. However, parties should ensure that the terms of the settlement agreement align with the jurisdiction of the Tribunal.

Limits on enforcing settlement terms: While settlement agreements can include terms that may not be within the Tribunal's jurisdiction, there are limits to the enforcement of such terms. The Tribunal cannot enforce terms that involve liens, evictions, or matters explicitly excluded under the Condominium Act. Parties should be mindful of these limitations when crafting settlement agreements.

Liberal interpretation of legislation: Decision-makers are required to interpret legislation in a fair, large, and liberal manner to achieve the objectives of the Act. In the context of settlement agreements, a liberal interpretation supports respectful and collaborative relationships among condominium residents. However, it is essential to strike a balance between liberal interpretation and respecting the jurisdictional limits of the Tribunal.


"Cohen v York Condominium Corporation No 205":

Be mindful of jurisdictional limits when crafting settlement agreements: While settlement agreements can include terms that fall outside of the Tribunal's jurisdiction, it is important to be aware of the limits on the enforcement of such terms. Parties should ensure that the terms of the settlement agreement align with the jurisdiction of the Tribunal and do not involve liens, evictions, or matters that are explicitly excluded under the Condominium Act.

Foster communication and collaborative problem-solving: The ability of parties to settle disputes through collaboration and negotiation is an important component of dispute resolution. Parties to a condominium dispute should strive to engage in respectful and collaborative relationships, especially when sharing common resources. The Tribunal encourages settlement and provides tools like negotiation and mediation to help parties find common ground.

Understand the importance and limitations of the Tribunal's authority: The Tribunal has the power to enforce settlement terms that fall within its jurisdiction and can make orders to remedy contraventions of the settlement. However, the Tribunal's jurisdiction is limited, and there are certain matters that it cannot deal with, like liens and evictions. Parties should understand the Tribunal's authority and limitations to craft effective and enforceable settlement agreements.

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