Cerrato v. Simcoe Condominium Corporation No. 8 - 2024 ONCAT 19 - 2024-02-09
Fri Feb 09 2024 05:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
In Cerrato v. Simcoe Condominium Corporation No. 8, The applicant requested board meeting minutes from Simcoe Condominium Corporation No. 8. Through mediation, they reached a consent order where SCC No. 8 provided some minutes and agreed to reimburse the applicant for filing fees. The applicant withdrew his penalty request, and SCC No. 8 didn't seek costs.
CAT Decisions - Consent Order
Access to Records
Entitlement to Records
Fees, Costs, Penalties
Through collaboration and compromise, parties can resolve disputes efficiently and avoid escalating legal actions, ultimately saving time and resources.
Mediation can lead to efficient resolutions, as seen in the agreement reached between Cerrato and SCC No. 8.
Parties may agree to partial disclosure of records, balancing transparency with privacy concerns.
Withdrawal of penalty requests can signal a willingness to compromise and prioritize resolution over punitive measures.
Encourage parties to consider mediation as an effective means of resolving disputes before pursuing formal legal proceedings.
Provide guidance on the appropriate balance between transparency and privacy when disclosing records to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
Promote a cooperative approach to dispute resolution, emphasizing the benefits of reaching mutually agreeable solutions over adversarial litigation.