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Carleton Condominium Corporation No. 132 v. Evans - 2022 ONCAT 38 - 2022-04-29


CCC 132




In the case of Carleton Condominium Corporation No. 132 v. Evans, the applicant brought forward a parking dispute case regarding the impact of the respondent's parking on snow removal in the condominium parking lot. The respondent requested a two-month adjournment of the case due to medical reasons. However, the respondent failed to provide any information or documentation to support this request. Both parties were given an opportunity to present their arguments, with the applicant opposing the adjournment. After reviewing the submissions, the tribunal chair, Ian Darling, denied the request for an adjournment, citing the lack of supporting information from the respondent.


CAT Decisions - Motion Order


The tribunal denied the request for a two-month adjournment of a parking dispute case due to a lack of information provided by the respondent to support their medical reasons. This decision underscores the importance of clear and documented information when seeking an adjournment for medical reasons, as it allows for a fair process while balancing the need for timely resolution.


Parking Dispute Case: The case involves a dispute related to parking within a condominium, specifically how the respondent's parking impacts snow removal in the condominium parking lot.

Request for Adjournment: The respondent requested a two-month adjournment of the case on medical grounds. However, the request lacked supporting information or documentation to justify the adjournment.

Fair Process: To ensure a fair process, the tribunal invited both parties to provide their comments on the adjournment request, and the respondent was given the opportunity to establish the existence and nature of their medical issue, the need for medical accommodation, and the connection between the disability and the requested adjournment.

Lack of Response: The respondent did not respond to the request for supporting information, and instead sent messages related to the substance of the parking dispute, such as videos of snow removal equipment.

Denial of Adjournment: The tribunal chair, Ian Darling, denied the motion to adjourn the case due to the absence of information to support the request. The case is expected to proceed as scheduled.


Parties requesting an adjournment for medical reasons should provide clear and documented information regarding the nature of their disability or medical issue, the medical need for accommodation, and the connection between their disability and the requested adjournment. This information is essential for the tribunal to make an informed decision.

Respondents should respond promptly and thoroughly to requests for an adjournment, addressing the specific reasons for the request and providing any necessary supporting documents. Failure to do so may lead to the denial of the adjournment.

The tribunal should continue to balance the need for a timely legal process with requests for medical accommodations. When a request lacks necessary information, the tribunal should make efforts to ensure a fair process while also avoiding unnecessary delays.

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