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Beierl v. Peel Standard Condominium Corporation No. 661 - 2023 ONCAT 78 - 2023-06-13






In the case of Beierl v. Peel Standard Condominium Corporation No. 661, the applicant filed an application with the Condominium Authority Tribunal (CAT) alleging nuisances created by the occupants of unit #3310 in the condominium. The nuisances included unreasonable noise, odour (cannabis), and vibration. The applicant claimed that Peel Standard Condominium Corporation No. 661 (PSCC 661) had been negligent in enforcing the corporation's by-laws and rules. However, issues arose with the service of notices to the involved parties, including the Intervenor, an unidentified unit occupant, and the Respondent, PSCC 661. The applicant served incorrect notices and used an improper method of service by placing them on unit doors instead of regular mail. The Respondent argued that these errors deprived them of their procedural rights to negotiation and mediation. As a result, the tribunal found that the application should be dismissed without prejudice due to the improper service of notices, allowing the applicant to file a new application properly if desired.


CAT Decisions - Dismissal Order
Compliance with Governing Documents
Other Type of Nuisance, Annoyance or Disruption
Procedural Issue with Governing Documents
Smoke and/or vapour


The CAT issued a Dismissal Order in the case of Beierl v. Peel Standard Condominium Corporation No. 661 due to the Applicant's failure to serve proper notices to the Respondent and Intervenor. The Applicant served incorrect notices by placing them on the door, which was inconsistent with the Tribunal's rules. This led to a lack of participation by the Respondent and Intervenor and deprived them of their procedural rights. The lesson here is that proper notice is essential in legal proceedings to ensure fairness and the right to respond, and failure to do so may result in the dismissal of the case, as in this instance.


Key Takeaways:

Proper notice is crucial in legal proceedings to ensure fairness and the right to respond. Failure to serve notices correctly can lead to the dismissal of the case.

In the case of Beierl v. Peel Standard Condominium Corporation No. 661, the Applicant served incorrect notices by posting them on the door, which did not comply with the Tribunal's rules.

Inconsistencies in serving notices and a lack of participation by essential parties can result in procedural difficulties and may lead to a default proceeding.

The Respondent in this case argued that improper service of the notice deprived them of their procedural right to negotiation and mediation.

This case was ultimately dismissed without prejudice, allowing the Applicant to file a new application if they choose to do so, with the possibility of seeking assistance from the Tribunal's staff for proper filing.


Adhere to Proper Notice Procedures: Parties involved in condominium-related disputes must strictly adhere to notice procedures and rules. Notice of a case must be served in accordance with the Tribunal's Rules of Practice. In this case, the Applicant's failure to serve proper notice in accordance with Rule 20.1 resulted in the application being dismissed. Parties should take care to follow the correct notification process to ensure fairness and procedural compliance.

Clear and Accurate Communication: Parties should ensure that their communications with the Tribunal and other parties are clear, accurate, and consistent. In this case, inconsistencies in the Applicant's communication regarding the method of service led to confusion and procedural issues. Accurate and consistent communication is essential to avoid misunderstandings.

Seek Assistance When Needed: When parties face challenges in navigating the legal process, they should not hesitate to seek assistance from the Tribunal's staff or legal professionals. The Applicant in this case could have benefited from seeking guidance on proper filing procedures. Seeking assistance can help ensure that cases progress smoothly and without unnecessary procedural complications.

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