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Ahmadi General Trading Inc. et al. v. Toronto Standard Condominium Corporation No. 2519 - 2021 ONCAT 27 - 2021-04-08






the Condominium Authority of Ontario in the case of the applicants against the Toronto Standard Condominium Corporation No. 2519. The case involved a dispute over record requests, with allegations of misconduct on both sides. The CAT ordered that the cases should not be dismissed, ruling that the record requests were not vexatious. However, the CAT did find that in two of the cases, the applicants' representative had violated CAT Rules and ordered a change in representative. The website provides details on the process and decision, including key dates, relevant rules, and the CAT member who made the decision. It also includes information about the relevant parties and agents and their respective arguments.


CAT Decisions - Motion Order
Access to Records


The case of Ahmadi General Trading Inc. et al v Toronto Standard Condominium Corporation No. 2519 involved four separate record requests and allegations of misconduct. The Tribunal ruled that the cases should not be dismissed and that the applications were not vexatious. Furthermore, it was ordered that other applicants be changed due to violating CAT rules. The main takeaway is that it's important to follow proper procedures when making record requests, and representatives must comply with CAT rules to ensure a fair process.


The Condominium Authority Tribunal (CAT) received two motions from Toronto Standard Condominium Corporation No. 2519 (TSCC2519) requesting the dismissal or merging of four cases. The CAT decided that the cases should not be dismissed and ruled that the applications were not vexatious.


Follow CAT rules and guidelines: It is important for all parties involved in a case to adhere to the rules and guidelines set forth by the Condominium Authority Tribunal (CAT). This includes selecting representatives who are permitted to act as per the Tribunal rules and ensuring compliance with any orders issued by the CAT.

Ensure proper record requests: When making record requests, it is crucial to follow the proper procedures and guidelines. This includes submitting the request form accurately and within the specified timeline. Following these protocols can help ensure a smooth and efficient process.

Avoid vexatious behavior: Parties should strive to maintain a respectful and cooperative approach throughout the dispute resolution process. It is important to avoid engaging in any conduct that may be deemed vexatious or abusive to the Tribunal or other parties involved. Maintaining professionalism and adhering to the principles of fairness and due process can lead to more effective and successful outcomes.

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